Tuesday, May 5, 2009

San Antonio here I come

The annual Texas Associaiton of Basketball Coaches Clinic is this weekend in San Antonio. Basketball Coaches from all over Texas, and for that matter, all over the country are going to San Antonio for our professional convention. It is one of my favorite times of the year. I get to network, learn from some of the best coaches in the business, and relax with tons of people who do the exact same thing I do. It really is a great time. I won't get to post the next few days, but maybe I will get some good information to pass on to everyone. I will be sure to discuss the issue of holding kids accountable. I think coaches have a little advantage in that area, because kids are choosing to participate in extra-curricular activities. Have a great rest of the week.

1 comment:

  1. You make a great point that many times students will follow the direction of a coach over that of their teacher. Sometimes if a student is not focusing in class, the coach can be an excellent ally to encourage the student to reach their potential.
