Monday, February 23, 2009

Blogging again.... What I learned today.

Wow, I just learned not to Edit Html and go back before saving a post. I typed quite a bit and it just disappeared.
Today I continue on my quest of blogging.
My intial typing discussed my requirement of blogging at least once a week for my current book study "Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and other powerful Web Tools for Classrooms.
I like to get things done, so here I am posting away.

Chapter 1 helped me realize that we are in the second generation of the web. WEB 2.o. I know I was around for the original web, and wonder how many changes "the web" will under go in my lifetime. Will this blog be here forever? Am I now part of "the history of the web?"

I would like to find a site where I can find bloggers with similar intersts so we can blog away. A basketball coaches blog would be cool. I guess I need to start a search.

Random Information: I just finished my second book in about a week. Harlan Coben's The Woods was a fast read. It was suspensful and kept my attention throughout. It was about murder, family secrets, and lies, lies, lies.

1 comment:

  1. Hi RH,

    You are off to a great start. Thank you for already delving into blogging. In your first post, you wrote you thought blogging was a “cyber diary or sounding board”. So many people use blogs just as that – a chronological entry of their life. I have seen blogs used as sounding boards/forums, scrapbook of their child’s life, political views, hobbies.. everything and anything…That is the beauty of blogging - one can use blogs however one sees fit.

    I found this blog directory. You may find something here for your search for High School Basketball Coach blogs:

    Also, I found this YouTube video on how to underline a title in a post. (Blocked at school) I typed in a search "Underlining text in Blogger".

    Mainly, you are adding < u > at the beginning of the sentence and < u > at the end of the sentence but you will need to do this in the EDIT HTML tab in your post. (NO Space between the arrows and the letter u - Blogger was reading it as a HTML tag and would let me post it here in your comment section)

    Unfortunately, you can not use the HTML tags when COMMENTING to a POST- (an error pops up)
